

Beavers are usually aged between six and eight years old, though they can be as young as five and three quarters and are the first section available to young people in Scouting. Earlier entry is at the Beaver Scout Leader’s discretion (for example, to allow someone a little bit younger to join at the same time as their friends).


The Beaver Motto is Fun and Friends, our Beavers enjoy exactly that. Beavers meet each week to take part in Games, Crafts, Singing, Good Turns and outdoor activities. Beavers can now enjoy a nights sleepover or camping so they get a taster of the next sections. A group of Beaver Scouts is called a Colony, Beavers work together in lodges and then work towards awards, some of these awards are staged badges so that they can start on the earlier stages as a Beaver and then complete the higher staged badges when they are a Scout. You might have heard about the great things your local Colony gets up to every week.